Treat yourself to a totally different haircut at our Henderson salon. Unique cuts provide a fresh look you’ll love!  These looks are more daring; but here’s what some other people are up to.

getting a unique salon cut

(1) Half-Shaved

Who says it has to be all or nothing? The half-shaved haircut has been rocked by pop stars such as Ke$ha and is a bit cooler to wear in the summer! Some people go a step further and ask to have the shaved part dyed.

(2) Asymmetrical Bangs

Tired of your current bang situation, or want a cut with bangs? Asymmetrical bangs are a popular pick right now for a different take on this classic look.

(3) Shaved Designs

For a completely different ‘do, some people are having designs shaved into their hair!

Which one of these do you think is the craziest?  Leave us a comment! For more on Henderson salons and services, please contact us today.